On May, 27 the government approved of the perspective plans of forming hromadas of the Odesa, Zaporizhia and Lviv regions. So, all 24 perspective plans of forming hromadas have been approved in Ukraine, thus, Ukraine has acquired a model of a new administrative and territorial arrangement at the basic level.
«Decentralisation has entered the home stretch. We have already 24 approved perspective plans of the regions, covering 100% of their territory. The final phase of the reform is coming to an end. The perspective plans will be the basis for a new administrative and territorial arrangement of Ukraine at the basic level. I consider the today event to be a considerable achievement and a result of a long lasting reform. On behalf of the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine I am grateful to all the perspective plans developers, consultations and discussions participants, the professional community and the Government for support. Thanks to the coordinated work of all the participants the MinRegion is following the planned schedule of the legislative provision of the local self-government and territorial power arrangement reform completion», – commented the Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Oleksiy Chernyshov.
perspective plan amalgamation of hromadas Oleksii Chernyshov
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