LOGICA has prepared a training module for the budgetary unit accounting services
Ukraine undergoes the accounting and financial reporting in the state sector reform, the IPSAS standards having been taken into consideration, through introducing the national accounting standards in the state sector, based on IPSAS.
For the purpose of accounting service professional training there has been developed a training module «Upgrading accounting and financial reporting in the state sector: national accounting standards application», targeted to the budgetary unit accounting services, within the EU project «The EU for Enhancing the State Financial Systems of the Local Governments» (the LOGICA project (http://logica-project.eu /), funded by the EU.
For as many accounting service representatives to be involved in training, LOGICA has developed the online course of the training module at the online platform by the Association of Amalgamated Hromadas (https://moodle.hromady.org ).

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