Decentralisation requires the unbiased coverage but not slogans or gotcha journalism - Vyacheslav Nehoda communicated with regional journalists

The majority of citizens have to understand and perceive a reform for it to be successful and irreversible. Any state information campaign will have no effect if it is not supported by the media. In case of decentralisation media support, particularly, regional ones, is vivid. As a result, despite the complexity and scope of changes, now when the reform is being completed, it is known to almost everybody and it is understood and supported by at least 70 % of the population.

The issue was covered by Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, during the National press-club dedicated to the topic: «Decentralisation: What Comes Next?» for regional mass media, organized within the programme «Development of the course to the local self-government strengthening in Ukraine» (PULSE), realised by the Association of Ukrainian Cities with support from USAID.

05.03.2020 - 18:30 | Views: 9475
Decentralisation requires the unbiased coverage but not slogans or gotcha journalism - Vyacheslav Nehoda communicated with regional journalists

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V.Nehoda Constitution Konstytutsiia obhovorennia


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