Collaboration of local self-government bodies and public representatives – an educational online course

Anyone can take the Efficient Collaboration of Local Self-Government Bodies and Public Representatives online course, having started at the Prometheus platform, free and at the time convenient.

The course is aimed at introducing media and PR collaboration experts to the pillars, methods, modern principles, standards, mechanisms and instruments of collaboration with the public. The online course will assist public organizations, public activists, social entrepreneurs and all public representatives, striving for awareness and active participation in the local self-government development. At the same time, the course is targeted to everybody willing to develop or acquire skills and knowledge of the principles and peculiarities of collaboration with the public at any place and any time.

The course has been developed, created and introduced with the support of the Embassy of Great Britain to Ukraine.

26.02.2020 - 14:33 | Views: 10732
Collaboration of local self-government bodies and public representatives – an educational online course


study participation of citizens



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