‘ASCs crystallize the local self-government reform’, - Denys Shmyhal at the Bringing Services Closer conference

Administrative services, particularly, their quality and availability, being the element of comfort for any hromada inhabitants, are in the heart of the local self-government reform and power territorial organisation. All the hromadas in the near future will turn into hromadas, capable of providing all the necessary administrative services on time, in a qualitative manner for the affordable fee. The issue was discussed at the Bringing Services Closer conference  in Kyiv, dedicated to the medium-term outcomes of enhancing the quality of administrative service delivery of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

Vice Prime-Minister, Minister of Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal characterised the local self-government reform as the most successful in Ukraine, referring to the survey data on the reform support by the population.

During the conference 134 hromadas, participating in the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, received Memorandums on Cooperation. In the near future these hromadas will be able to open modern ASCs, with the the Programme's support.


V.Nehoda Denys Shmyhal Administrative services


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