Newly-established hromadas and their budgetary independence: MinRegion sent an urgent letter to oblast state administrations

“Amalgamated hromadas, which have recently held local elections, are waiting for the switch to direct inter-budget relations with the state budget. Only those hromadas that were established under the law and stipulated by the perspective plans may reckon thereon. According to the data we have, 14 hromadas, which conform to capability parameters, are not included into the perspective plans. Therefore, we sent an urgent letter to the oblast state administrations with the request to settle this issue within one day and submit the corresponding amendments to the perspective plans for approval. The Government hereupon will be able to admit these hromadas as capable, and the Ministry of Finance will we able to prepare amendments to the State Budget”, Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, informed.

22.01.2020 - 14:22 | Views: 17657
Newly-established hromadas and their budgetary independence: MinRegion sent an urgent letter to oblast state administrations

Attached files:


V.Nehoda amalgamation of hromadas perspective plan


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Ludmila Stus
22.01.2020 - 20:54
Скорей би решилась вопрос
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