Additional consultations on forming perspective plans have started in MinRegion

It is commonly known that on December 20, 2019, the Law of Ukraine “On Voluntary Amalgamation of Territorial Hromadas” (regarding Simplifying the Procedure for Approval of Perspective Plans of Territory Formation of Hromadas of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Oblasts)” No2189 dated 30/09/2019 entered into force. In particular, the Law stipulates that amalgamation of hromadas will be further conducted exclusively according to the perspective plan.

Based on the data provided by MinRegion, perspective plans for formation of hromadas territory approved by the Government have already covered 90.3% of the country territory.

“We see that even after the repeated consultations, there are territories, where the oblast state administration and the hromadas still have not come to any common decision. There is very little time left for discussions. In few days the oblast state administration has to submit the draft perspective plan to the Government for consideration”, Vyacheslav Nehoda,Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, said.

Attached images:


Vitalii Bezghin V.Nehoda perspective plan


Київська область Кіровоградська область Рівненська область Хмельницька область Черкаська область


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