Rayon State Administrations cannot dismiss ASC administrators – Governmental resolution

The Government Portal has published the text of the Governmental Resolution No 1096 dated 24 December 2019, which does not allow state administrations to reduce the number of administrators of administrative service centres (ASC).

“In determining the maximum number of employees of local state administrations, the number of administrators of the administrative service centres established by the mentioned state administrations shall not be reduced until the entry into force of amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Administrative Services” regarding the liquidation of such centres and provided that local self-government bodies create such administrative service centres in the respective territory to which the functions and tasks of the liquidated centres will be delegated,” the document reads.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

27.12.2019 - 14:08 | Views: 19048
Rayon State Administrations cannot dismiss ASC administrators – Governmental resolution


V.Tymoshchuk Administrative services


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Віталій Козиренко
27.12.2019 - 14:48
ага, як завжди вдогонку, - рішення про скорочення, у тому числі і ЦНАПів, по РДА вже прийняті ще місяць-два тому.
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