The Government has approved a draft law that stipulates clear-cut regulations for solving administrative territorial issues, according to Viacheslav Nehoda

The law is to determine the basic principles of the administrative and territorial structure of Ukraine, the procedure for formation, liquidation, establishment and border changes of administrative and territorial units and settlements. On 27 December, the Government approved the draft law 'On the Basics of the Administrative and Territorial Structure of Ukraine', one of the laws included in the decentralisation set of draft laws.

'This draft law regulates the order, establishes clear-cut procedures, and determines authorities empowered to decide the issue of administrative management in Ukraine, and the ways to do it. It does not change the existing system of administrative management at all,' Deputy Minister of Communities and Territories Development Viacheslav Nehoda said.

27.12.2019 - 13:10 | Views: 19830
The Government has approved a draft law that stipulates clear-cut regulations for solving administrative territorial issues, according to Viacheslav Nehoda


administrative and territorial structure V.Nehoda Zasady ATU


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