Volunteers for Hromadas: US Peace Corps renews receipt of applications for cooperation

Another opportunity for NGOs and local governments to improve their organisational capacity, project activities and interaction with partners with the assistance of an American volunteer.

US Governmental Organisation Peace Corps in Ukraine announces competition to find host organisations for US volunteers within the Hromada Development project

The hosts may include local self-government bodies, civil society or charitable organisations. The cooperation will last for two years from October 2020 to October 2022.

American volunteers will share their experience in accordance with the following project objectives:

  1. Strengthen the capacity of organisations and encourage training that promotes organisational development.
  2. Improve existing project development and management practices.
  3. Promote a coherent interaction between organisations and their partners.

Applications are accepted online by January 31, 2020: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KF62QNS

The number of applications for the next year is limited.

A detailed description of the project and a questionnaire for host families are provided in the annex and on the Peace Corps website.

19.12.2019 - 14:10 | Views: 7758
Volunteers for Hromadas: US Peace Corps renews receipt of applications for cooperation

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