25 March 2025

Talented heroes of Kamianomostivska amalgamated hromada

By the decision of the local self-government and with the whole support of USAID Programme “Decentralisation Offering Better Results and Efficiency” (DOBRE), the community centre, which was built in the Soviet times and fell into disrepair as the result of a fire event, was reconstructed and officially opened in autumn 2018.

The building surrounding grounds were also renewed: benches and a small stage were installed. Thus, the dancing workshop continued working in the building. At the moment, the dancing workshop is called Madagascar. The number of pupils attending the workshop has increased up to 91, 80 out of which are the children from Kamianyi Mist, and the other 11 are from the neighbouring hromadas.

The community centre has its annual festival, the Village Festival, inviting neighbours from the other villages. In 2018, Kamianyi Mist founded the annual festival called “Emeralds of Native Land”, which allows estimating the level of population engagement in the local cultural activity, which is up to 25%.

Furthermore, there is a big dry tree body near the community centre. “One day the youth asked me to provide them with high-quality paint, they would paint this tree, and it would be the pride and the symbol of our community centre!” Oleksandr Liakhov, the Head of the hromada, explains.

“They put a lot of efforts. Even the smallest piece of paper has no right to appear here. No one can make the wall dirty or break the glass. It is our community centre!” the Head of the hromada tells.



DOBRE culture Kultura krashchi praktyky


Миколаївська область


Кам'яномостівська територіальна громада


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