Consultations on future perspective plans of oblasts started

MinRegion, together with the subcommittee on administrative and territorial organisation of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on State Building, Local Governance, Regional and Urban Development, started consultations on the future perspective plans for the formation of hromadas of oblasts.

Today the first consultations were held on the perspective plans of the Zakarpattia, Cherkasy and Kyiv Oblasts. During the consultations, representatives of oblast state administrations present draft plans prepared by the working groups. Representatives of local self-government associations, regional offices of local government development, experts and MPs of Ukraine take part in the discussion. The subcommittee on administrative and territorial organisation is represented by its chairman, MP of Ukraine Vitaliy Bezgin.

“Today, we are debating on every hromada in which respect some questions arise. All of the above is added to the protocol we will send to these oblast state administrations to take into account and adjust draft projects. Then we will meet again for consultation. It may seem excessive to someone, but it is a very responsible job. It concerns the fate of hromadas, their future prospects and development. In addition, perspective plans will be the basis of the administrative and territorial structure of Ukraine,” said Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Communities and Territories’ Development.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

Attached images:


V.Nehoda perspective plan Vitalii Bezghin


Закарпатська область Київська область Черкаська область


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