Authors of the best journalistic works on decentralisation awarded in Chernihiv Oblast

For the second consecutive year before the Local Self-Governance Day in Ukraine, the Chernihiv Oblast Council has been summarising the results of the oblast competition of journalistic works on reforming local self-government and territorial organisation of power, initiated by the decision of the 12th session of the oblast council of the seventh convocation. There are nine award and diploma winners this year.

In total, the jury (professional journalists, deputies and employees of the executive apparatus of the oblast council, representatives of the OSA and the public) received 20 creative works. Unlike last year, the nomination “Publication in print media” became the leader in the number of materials submitted (10 works).

The second place in the popularity rating among the contestants was taken by online publications in the local Internet editions (7 works in total). Unfortunately, this time no radio reports were submitted. Although it is known that now amalgamated hromadas are gradually developing their own radio space and there are many good programmes on decentralisation on the oblast resources.

At the same time, 3 contestants were competing in the genre of video, TV programme and video script, who eventually shared the prize places.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

06.12.2019 - 09:25 | Views: 7243
Authors of the best journalistic works on decentralisation awarded in Chernihiv Oblast

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