Mobile ASC started working in Ukraine's largest hromada

A mobile Administrative Service Centre established through the partnership with the U-LEAD with Europe Programme started its work in the Olevska urban amalgamated hromada of the Zhytomyr Oblast, which is the largest AH by area in Ukraine – 2010.9 The “ASC on Wheels” will operate daily and serve nearly 35,000 residents from 51 settlements.

A mobile ASC is a specially equipped car, which has two working places for administrators and three seats for visitors. Citizens are received inside the transport vehicle, equipped with the heating and air-conditioning systems, besides a compact ramp allows to serve persons with disabilities in the car. The ASC also has a mobile suitcase for delivering services at home.

The mobile ASC of the Olevska AH will provide 59 services and another 100 types will be rendered through the stationary ASC. The 10 routes of mobile ASC are approved. The hromada purchased equipment for the mobile Centre and refurbished the garage.


Stanislav Yushchyk, Regional Specialist of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, said: “The problem of access to administrative services is very important for Ukraine. This is especially evident in hromadas, some of which consist of many settlements located far away from each other. The mobile ASC is a solution that allows to quickly and efficiently provide access to services for each resident."

With the support of the Programme, the stationary ASC was also modernised. The Centre expanded the list of services, and the premises were renovated at the expense of the hromada, besides the area for visitors and a children's play corner were arranged.

Oleh Omelchuk, head of the Olevska urban AH, said: “I thank the international partners for their help in launching the mobile ASC. Now each of our residents, regardless of the possibilities of access to the Internet and distance to the central ASC, can receive state services not far from home. We are very glad that the issue of accessibility to administrative services in our hromada has been resolved."

The Olevska hromada was one of the first in Ukraine to have the Vulyk software complex, developed by the EGOV4UKRAINE Project within the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, installed. As a part of the Programme, the hromada also became a member of the testing recommendations of the gender handbook created by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, during which experts together with the ASC employees selected the most useful and interesting recommendations for their ASC and tested them in practice. All ASC employees passed advanced training developed by the Ukrainian and Swedish experts.

Attached images:


Administrative services


Житомирська область


Олевська територіальна громада


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