Why does Pyadytska AH need agrohub and how did the snail farm appear? A talk with hromada head Petro Haydeychuk


The Pyadytska amalgamated hromada in the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast united five village councils – 8 settlements in total. The village of Pyadyky became hromada’s administrative and cultural centre. The AH is home to about 10,000 residents. It was formed more than three years ago – in September 2016. Petro Haydeychuk, head of the hromada, told about changes in the local residents’ lives over the years, challenges faced by the leadership of the newly established hromada and solutions, within the “Peakers of Hromadas”, UCMC-DOBRE project.

In 2016, the hromada’s own revenues were around UAH 5 million. Now they make up 12.5 million.

“We try to distribute them properly to cover all areas of activity. The priority is project implementation, because we understand that this is an opportunity for co-financing,” says Petro Haydeychuk.



In 2017-2019, two hromada schools were renovated: facades were insulated, windows and heating system replaced. Another school, which lacked space for pupils, was expanded. Interactive boards and equipment for physics, chemistry and computer science classrooms were purchased for the remaining UAH 2 million of the educational subvention. The local outpatient clinic was also repaired and insulated. In one of the villages a playground, street simulators and a volleyball court were installed. On the territory of several other village councils water supply and sewerage systems are being set up.

When discussing AH development strategy until 2027 with hromada residents, unemployment was often referred to as a priority issue. Therefore, management is looking for ways to encourage entrepreneurs to work in the hromada to create new jobs. The main budget-forming enterprises of here are agrarian, so they decided to focus on this sector. Now the Pyadytska hromad has submitted a project for an agrohub establishment to teach entrepreneurs the newest skills in farming, in particular blueberry cultivation. The project will be co-financed by the hromada, oblast and DOBRE Programme.

“Funding for entrepreneurs’ training is also envisaged, provided they register with our AH and pay taxes here. Of course, there are those unsatisfied, but on the whole the idea was supported,” says Petro Haydeychuk. “It creates the prospect of further development: one farmer cannot work on a large scale, but if you unite entrepreneurs in an agrohub, get them know each other – it will be easier for them to enter the big market.”

The hromada head calls roads the main task in the coming years: many of them are in poor condition, not all have asphalt cover.

The state budget for 2020 envisages 22 billion for local roads, and the Pyadytska AH has a chance to get its share of these funds.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE




Івано-Франківська область


П'ядицька територіальна громада


Український кризовий медіа-центр

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