Modern ASC opened in Vytvytska AH

6,000 residents of the Carpathian mountain hromada will have access to quality administrative services with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme. For many services previously available only in the rayon centre, hromada residents can now contact the Administrative Service Centre of the Vytvytsia Village Council in the AH.

“From now on, residents of the hromada will be able to receive 125 administrative services directly in the hromada’s ASC. These are the most popular service groups - address assignment, registration of residence, as well as civil acts registration (birth certificate, marriage certificate), land services. The ASC will also employ a state registrar, which will ensure the state registration of business,” says Nataliia Yusyp, head of the ASC‘s department in the Vytvytska AH.

The hromada made considerable efforts to open the Administrative Service Centre. The most difficult thing was to equip the premises.

«For this purpose, it was necessary to complete the reconstruction of the premises of the village council, which lasted for about two years. The village council invested about UAH 400,000 in the renovation of the building where the ASC is located,” says Mykola Shykor, head of the Vytvytska AH.

The Administrative Service Centre’s staff consists of 7 employees, four of whom will work at remote workplaces in starosta districts. All employees were trained in five modules for the proper work at the ASC, as evidenced by the relevant certificates. Also, the hromada received furniture, computer hardware and software to equip the premises as the support from the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

It is important for the mountain hromada with difficult territorial accessibility that all 40 types of social services, including the provision of state social assistance, will be provided by the local ASC. The hromada has also purchased passport station equipment, which is now being connected and will be launched shortly for full operation. So already in 2020, residents will be able to get ID cards and passports.

“The opening of the ASC in Vytvytsia is the result of amalgamation of hromadas and the decentralisation reform. Such projects become possible when local government teams are motivated. And quality services are rendered where the hromada takes all its powers and strives to bring services closer to people,” said Maksym Chopey, decentralisation adviser of the LGDC.

22.11.2019 - 10:18 | Views: 13636
Modern ASC opened in Vytvytska AH

Attached images:


Administrative services


Івано-Франківська область


Витвицька територіальна громада


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