First in Zaporizhzhia Oblast palliative care unit opened in settlement hromada

A palliative care unit was opened at the Yakymivska settlement hromada, the first in the Zaporizhzhia Oblast. Two double and two single wards are equipped with modern furniture, special appliances, bathrooms and TV-sets. There are a doctor's office, a room for volunteers who will be able to communicate with out-of-ward visitors. The hromada tried to create a home-like environment to make it more comfortable for people to stay.

Establishment of a palliative care unit was initiated by hromada resident Valentyna Ovsyannikova, who looked after a man with a terminal illness. Unfortunately, he didn't live half a year to see opening of the department.

The funds were allocated by the Yakymivka settlement council, 100 thousand came from the budget of the neighbouring Kyrylivska AH, 50 thousand were provided by the deputy fund of the oblast council, and 20 thousand – from the former MP. The employees of the local newspaper “Word of the Worker” collected UAH 120,000.

“We went to villages, communicated with people. The most striking thing was when a 9-year-old boy approached us with the words that he had only 5 hryvnias and put them in a box,” says Tetiana Belymenko, editor-in-chief of the newspaper.

Money were brought to the Charity Foundation “Blagochestia” (founded by Valentyna Ovsyannikova) by people who need help themselves. The Abdulayev family, a disabled woman who is expecting a third child, made wooden boards, sold them, and donated money for a good cause.

Local business representatives assisted in the purchase of furniture and medical equipment, church parishioners engaged in renovation work, residents of the village planted flowers.

“This unit is for people having an incurable disease. Although we are already receiving calls from single people who have health problems. However, palliative care is another case. People may be admitted to the ward by their family doctors according to the list of diseases. The Supervisory Board will consider the applications,” Valentyna Ovsyannikova explained.

The department will employ 10 people who will be paid from the National Health Service of Ukraine. And volunteers will raise funds to provide the patients with everything necessary.

“This is a good example of the combination of efforts of the authorities, business, and the public, who managed to create the conditions for people in high need of help. This is both an understanding of the problem and a desire to be involved and to assist,” commented Natalia Selyukova, communications adviser of the Zaporizhzhya Local Government Development Centre of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

13.11.2019 - 15:28 | Views: 9167
First in Zaporizhzhia Oblast palliative care unit opened in settlement hromada




Запорізька область


Кирилівська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада


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