First open address register appeared in Ukraine: free of charge for the authorities, hromadas and business

The E-Solutions for Hromadas project team, implemented by the Centre for Innovation Development with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, announced the opening of free access to the Register's of Addresses tested in pilot cities / AHs from different regions of Ukraine.

Guidelines are available on the CID website -

The register of addresses is a directory of official, complete, verified addresses with official status. Despite numerous debates and attempts to create such a register at the national level, Ukrainian authorities and local self-governments, which are the primary source of address data, are forced to work with different address databases, the data of which does not match and is not promptly updated.

“There is no unified and accessible address register in Ukraine, and we decided to solve this problem on our own without waiting for anyone’s help. Our solution consists of two elements: IT tools that allow you to manage and administer addresses, this is done by the hromada, they add renames, alternatives, synonyms and more. And the other part is for external systems, for integration through API. The practice of implementing an address register in 30 pilot hromadas of the project has shown that even taking into account data from several existing databases, information needs to be constantly updated. The absence of a unified address register leads to inaccuracies in the data and unnecessary expenditure of budgetary funds. For example, NAIS (SE “National Information Systems” - Ed.) has a database filled only from the property acts; SMS (State Migration Service) is forced to work with several address bases at the same time and there is no reliable unified register”, says Mykola Kozlov, IT architect of the project “E-Solutions for Hromadas”, CRI Expert, Director of FDI Ukraine.

According to him, such a database of credible addresses can be used by everyone who needs it: administrators of the IT systems of public authorities and local self-government, IT companies, start-ups and others. They do not need to create or update their own directory, just sign in and use it right away.

“An open register of addresses is an important step towards the creation of a new system of data generation that is updated not only by the central authorities, but also by the primary source – by hromadas themselves. We have successfully piloted this system in 30 hromadas participating in the E-Solutions for Hromadas project. The cloud system, which is being developed by all users, is well established. We already have a proposal to connect the whole region – Kherson Oblast, that has expressed its desire to scale the whole project. If the state decides to support this solution for the whole country, as it did with Prozorro, we will be happy to help. We invite all interested authorities and IT companies, the open data community to cooperate. We are excited about the opportunity to contribute to the development of a “state in a smartphone”, comments Serhii Loboyko, head of the Centre for Innovations Development, project coordinator.

13.11.2019 - 10:10 | Views: 18793
First open address register appeared in Ukraine: free of charge for the authorities, hromadas and business


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