COMPETITION for AHs willing to engage residents in hromada development

Enrollment of hromadas to participate in the Hromada of Joint Actions project of the MLS group is ongoing.

The project involves the study of public opinion and the development of a tool for systematic monitoring of various aspects of hromada life. Hromadas can use the information they receive to adjust local programmes, action plans, and other documents. Research data can be referred to when preparing reports and promotional materials.

Applications are accepted until 11 December 2019 inclusive.

The number of participating hromadas is very limited. There will be only three of them.

Project objective: implement sustainable practices of participatory governance in hromadas

Who can participate: amalgamated hromadas from all over Ukraine

Project duration: 1 year with quarterly monitoring

Number of waves of monitoring research: 4

Cost of participation: free of charge (only organisational expense coverage)

Deadline for application – 11 December 2019 р.

To participate in the competition, please fill out a form:

Find more details on the project via this link

Project manager: Kateryna Bulavkina, 050 846 44 11

12.11.2019 - 11:52 | Views: 11334
COMPETITION for AHs willing to engage residents in hromada development

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competition participation of citizens


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