“Nazar in the City” competition

The Ministry of Digital Transformation has announced a competition for cities. Cities can get a convenient city bot for communication between residents and authorities.

“Nazar” City Bot integrates data from all city utility services.

Any settlement of Ukraine can participate in the competition, but it will be especially useful for cities with a population of more than 100 thousand people.

Three winning cities will receive a half year free period to implement and use the “Nazar” City Bot service.

The “Nazar” City Bot already has some great achievements. It is the winner of this year's Open Data Challenge 2019. Besides, recently, the “Nazar” City Bot team has had a chance to present the project to the President at an investment forum in Mariupol.

You can apply for the competition by 15 December 2019.

All details are available via the link https://citybot.pro/konkurs-nazar-u-misti

08.11.2019 - 13:13 | Views: 7078
“Nazar in the City” competition




Міністерство цифрової трансформації

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