Primary Healthcare Centre of Nemyrivska AH became Sector Leader – 2019
The Nemyrivska urban amalgamated hromada was one of the first in the Vinnytsia Oblast to establish primary healthcare communal institutions. Recently the Communal Enterprise “Nemyriv city primary healthcare centre” received “Sector Leader – 2019” award. Vadym Cherneha, head of the Centre, told about the path of the institution to the award and the way it managed to build a high-quality and reliable primary healthcare system during a meeting on communication and dialogue, supported by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.
The Nemyriv city primary healthcare centre was established by the decision of the Nemyriv city council and started work on 1 August 2017, and since 2018 has switched, among the first 150 institutions of Ukraine, to financing from the National Health Service of Ukraine.
The coverage by medical declarations in the Nemyrivska AH is 92%. The Centre employs 10 family physicians with salaries ranging from UAH 11 to 18 thousand, serving almost 14 thousand patients, of which more than 2 thousand are residents of settlements not included in the AH.
“From the very beginning of the Centre establishment, the city council has been focused on maximising the delivery of quality and free primary healthcare services. We had a strong support. At the expense of the local budget we purchased all the necessary equipment – analysers, supplies, microscopes, two cars that serve not only Nemyriv, but all the villages of the hromada on schedule. In addition, we set up an emergency medical centre with a car, a staff member and full support (equipment, appliances, medicines),” Vadym Cherneha said.
According to the head of the Centre, the medical institution fulfilled 100% of requirements on the main list for transition to financing from the National Health Service.
«We do not consider the issue of paid services, because from April next year there will be a secondary level reform launch and, of course, a person will choose free services. It is worth mentioning that, according to the Resolutions of the Ministry of Health No 1303 and 1301, the Nemyriv city council provides full funding for treatment of privileged categories of patients – allocating UAH 1 million for free medicines and UAH 250 thousand for medical devices for patients. When decentralisation is completed and about 20 more villages join us, the issue of paid services may be more relevant. But today, we are earning money under a contract with the NHS due to the number of patients who signed declarations with doctors and city council’s support. Hence we observe high financial capacity and stability of the institution,” Vadym Cherneha said.
The institution has an electronic appointments system, an informative website with useful tips and announcements, an official page in social network, and an analytical department.
“I certainly support the reform. More opportunities and responsibilities appeared at the same time. People who say that everything is bad do not understand that the reform has not yet reached the “secondary” link, but the money follow the patient at the secondary and tertiary level as well,” outlined Vadym Cherneha.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

Attached images:
Вінницька областьГромади:
Немирівська територіальна громадаSource:
Вінницький Центр розвитку місцевого самоврядування

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