We need to empower hromadas to provide administrative services – Vyacheslav Nehoda
All necessary administrative services should be delivered at the level of capable hromadas. In the context of decentralisation, this is already a necessity. To provide these services, a hromada needs quality infrastructure, since even with full digitisation, there will be many services that cannot be delivered only online: passport issuance, marriage registration, property issues, etc. Therefore, establishment of modern Administrative Services Centres should be at the forefront of every capable hromada. And the state should provide hromadas with the opportunities to deliver the maximum amount of services people need at these centres.
Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, said this during a joint working meeting held to discuss the quality and accessibility of the administrative service delivery in local self-government bodies.
“We have extensive experience in ASC establishment and operation in Ukraine, and we also have substantial expert and technical assistance from international partners, in particular through the U-LEAD with Europe Programme. Together with the experts, we are finalising the formation of an ASC network model, which provides for optimal accessibility of administrative services for people. And the main task now is to create opportunities to deliver the maximum number of services through these centres together with other ministries and MPs, so that it is done in quality and convenient way for people and is not burdensome for local self-government,” said Vyacheslav Nehoda.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

Attached images:
V.Nehoda Administrative services
Прес-центр ініціативи «Децентралізація»

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