TRAINING! Enrollment to Local Self-Government School started

DESPRO NGO announces a competitive enrollment to the Local Self-Government School to be held in the following stages:

  • First full-time session in Kyiv ― 09-12 December 2019
  • Second full-time session in Kyiv ― 24-27 February 2020

Teams of 5 people from amalgamated hromadas are invited to join:

  • Hromada head (or deputy) as a team leader
  • 4 members of the Committee / Working Group on Strategic Development / Planning

NOTE: AHs that do not have their Hromada Development Strategy and a committee / working group on strategic AH development / planning are not eligible to participate in the School.

To apply, please send an e-mail to and by 17 November 2019 (inclusive), stating “Application for Training at School” and adding the following package of documents:

hromada’s strategy, backed up by copies of relevant LSG decisions (scanned documents without signatures and seals will NOT be considered)*

* if the strategy has not yet been approved – draft strategy with a brief description of the process of its development and other documents (composition of the committee / working group, copies of relevant decisions of local self-government bodies)

Please send documents only in printed copy! Hand-filled applications will NOT be considered.

Questions can be raised by telephone +38 (044) 270 55 21 or by e-mail: (Teresa Yatsenkivska).

Announcement of the results of the competitive selection will be sent to the e-mail addresses indicated in the questionnaires and will be posted on the FB pages of the Hanns Seidel Foundation and NGO DESPRO no later than 24 November 2019.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

05.11.2019 - 15:36 | Views: 12079
TRAINING! Enrollment to Local Self-Government School started





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