How and when will reform be completed? What hromadas should wait for? Issues to be discussed on 30 October in Zaporizhzhia with participation of MinRegion

The amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine concerning decentralisation and further steps of the local self-government reform, as well as criteria for capacity of amalgamated hromadas will be discussed in Zaporizhzhia.

The round table devoted to this topic for hromadas of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast was organised by the Swiss-Ukrainian Project “Support to Decentralisation in Ukraine” (DESPRO) and the Association of Amalgamated Hromadas.

All mass media representatives are invited to participate in the event.

Date of event: 30 October 2019.

Time: 11:30 - start of registration; 12:30 - start of the event.

Venue: 19, Mayakovskoho avenue, Zaporizhzhia city (REIKARTZ Hotel)

The event will be attended by:

  • Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories
  • Vitaliy Turynok, Head of Zaporizhzhia Oblast State Administration
  • Pavlo Ostapenko, Head of the Expert Group on Geoinformation Monitoring of the Decentralisation Reform at MinRegion
  • Valentyna Poltavets, Executive Director of the Association of AHs.
29.10.2019 - 09:27 | Views: 8037
How and when will reform be completed? What hromadas should wait for? Issues to be discussed on 30 October in Zaporizhzhia with participation of MinRegion




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