Public discussion of Concept on changes to law on local election started, - Vyacheslav Nehoda

We offered options how to organise the local election system in such a way that the local councils should properly represent interests of all residents and hromadas, how to reduce the impact of central parties on local election and how to make elections more clear and fair. Now we have time to discuss and search for the best model to be presented in the relevant draft law, said Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Hromadas and Territories of Ukraine, during the public presentation and discussion of the Concept on changes to the law on local election.

According to him, changes to the law on local election should consider future changes to the Constitution in terms of decentralisation and be based on the new administrative and territorial structure.

"We expect that MPs will adopt changes to the Constitution already in February next year. After that, it will be possible to approve a new administrative and territorial structure at the level of hromadas and rayons and to adopt the law on local election on its basis. Thus, together with the Ministry of Justice and MPs we should use these several months for consultations, coordination and elaboration of the draft law that will propose an optimal model of election considering the future powers and opportunities of local councils at all levels,” said Vyacheslav Nehoda.

The Concept is available HERE

The full version is available in English - please click HERE



28.10.2019 - 16:01 | Views: 14532

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