DESPRO announces enrollment for e-course “Local Development Project Management-9”

Swiss-Ukrainian Project “Decentralisation Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO) invites representatives of local self-government and executive authorities, deputies of local councils, hromada leaders and public sector activists to participate in the online course “Local Development Project Management-9” on the online platform Community of Practices: sustainable development.

The purpose of the training is to gain knowledge and master the techniques of project management to implement sustainable hromada development strategies. Each participant who successfully completes the course will identify the purpose of the project and stakeholders; collect the needs as project requirements, find a solution that will deliver the expected result, plan the project implementation stages; identify the main project activities, necessary resources, risks and factors to ensure the sustainability of the project results.

The e-course “Local Development Project Management” was initiated in 2012, since then 8 national courses, a number of regional e-courses (in cooperation with oblast councils and oblast state administrations of the Dnipropetrovsk, Luhansk, Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk Oblasts) have been held.

The training is free of charge; the number of participants from one institution or organisation is unlimited. To join you just need to have a regular Internet access and an e-mail account, be prepared to study for at least an hour a day, and share your project implementation experience.

  • Duration of e-course training: 1 November - 5 December 2019
  • Enrollment for the e-course will start from 20 October until 5 November 2019

To become a participant of the Local Development Project Management-9 e-course, you must register with the Community of Practices. You can sign up for the Community of Practices at any time. To do this, visit the Community page, click the Sign In button in the top right corner and create a new member account.

If you cannot register, please contact the administrator at

Community members do not need to re-sign / create their account to participate in this course, they only need to complete the e-course enrollment on the dates specified.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

15.10.2019 - 10:15 | Views: 10282
DESPRO announces enrollment for e-course “Local Development Project Management-9”


announcement study


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