Modern ASC opened in Baikovetska AH

On 11 October, a modern Administrative Service Centre was opened in the Baikovetska amalgamated hromada of the Ternopil Oblast. It will provide 118 services for 10 thousand hromada residents.

The ASC in Baikivtsi was established in partnership with the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine. The Baikovetska AH received more than UAH 1 million of subsidies from the state budget within the framework of the Transparent Office project. Co-financing from the local budget made up UAH 453 thousand.

At the expense of the local budget, the hromada purchased special equipment for the transportation of low-mobility people to allow them easily enter the premises of the ASC.

The Baikovetska AH is a participant of the second round of the Roll-Out Phase of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme’s support to improved administrative service delviery. The Programme provided the ASC with furniture, equipment for two remote workplaces, information boards and signboards. The work of the ASC will be supported by 10 employees, 5 of whom are remote administrators.

“The Baikivtsi ASC has integrated a wide range of services and will provide 118 administrative ones, but we will develop our potential. We have already signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the State Migration Service, and will soon be able to issue passports. But most importantly, when people come here, they will be delimited from an official. The person will address a specific problem that can be solved by ASC employees. We are grateful for our partners’ support, including the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, for creating two remote workplaces with office equipment and computer software. Our work is designed to ensure that hromada residents receive the highest quality services and feel that they live in a country that cares for them,” said Anatoliy Kulyk, head of the Baikovetska AH.

Also, with the assistance of U-LEAD with Europe, the employees of the newly established ASC underwent a 5-module training course developed by Ukrainian, Swedish and Estonian Programme experts.

15.10.2019 - 09:09 | Views: 14300
Modern ASC opened in Baikovetska AH

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Administrative services


Тернопільська область


Байковецька територіальна громада


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