Solar station on landfill site: the most progressive Ukrainian hromada in Khmelnytskyi Oblast impresses

Dunayivtsi – a town in the Khmelnytskyi Oblast has become the centre of one of the first and, according to experience, the most progressive Ukrainian hromadas. Not only do they manage to effectively amalgamate one city and 50 villages, but also to develop constantly in the economic and social sectors.

Background information on the Dunayevetska AH

Дунаєвецька об’єднана громада


The hromada really unites 50 villages and one city.

Its population is 37 thousand people.

"The hromada is structurally complex since 50 villages amalgamated around the city, and more than half of them were subsidised," said Dunayivtsi Mayor Velina Zayats.


Дунаєвецька міська голова Веліна Заяць


Dialogue with the residents of each hromada village is conducted through a starosta.

Hromada budget

The AH 2019 budget is UAH 260.7 million, half of this amount is earned by the hromada on its own.


Бюджет громади 2019 року становить 260,7 мільйона гривень


According to the head, the main thing is that the hromada still has many reserves for development.

How does the AH earn?

The hromada has proved that one can make money even on former wasteland. By 2016, there had been a wasteland and a landfill on this site.


сонячна електростанція


The city has always been famous for its ability to earn money. Now the business has modernised – for example, solar power plants appeared.

"We took the land, started cleaning it up a bit, built a station and are now making money on it," said Serhii Hurnyi, energy engineer of Energoservice Dunayivtsi LLC.

енергетик ТОВ "Енергосервіс Дунаївці" Сергій Гурний


The station was built in three stages, now it occupies 30 hectares of land, on which 18 thousand modules have been installed. The scheme is simple and beneficial to everyone. The investor makes money on solar energy and the hromada earns on taxes and rent for the land. In addition, there are official jobs for hromada residents.


сонячна електростанція

Everyone has the right to become a member of the hromada

Equal participation of all residents is absolutely envisaged in the Dunayevetska hromada Development Strategy. For this purpose there is a “LASTIVKA” Centre for Complex Rehabilitation of Children with Disabilities. It is attended by children aged 2 to 18.


Олена Отрубчак


“LASTIVKA” is a municipal institution that has been operating since 2003 and is funded by the local budget in the amount of over one million hryvnias a year.

комунальна установа Ластівка


The center uses modern equipment and practices international methods of working with children.


сенсорна кімната – для розвитку кольоросприйняття, звукосприйняття і тактильного сприйняття

Children acquire various rehabilitation and career guidance services. For example, they learn to make notebooks or souvenirs – an ability that, in adulthood, will help them earn a living and be a full member of the hromada.

заняття в реабілітаційному центрі 

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


budget infrastructure energy efficiency


Хмельницька область


Дунаєвецька територіальна громада


24 канал

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