Decentralisation should be completed and work should started in a new way, - Member of Parliament

Decentralisation on a voluntary basis is too long a process, convinced MP of Ukraine Vyacheslav Rublyov.

The MP declared it during a broadcast on the Rada TV channel, informs the parliamentary’s press service.

However, according to Mr Rublyov, not every amalgamation that started voluntarily continues to work effectively, since to be successful hromada needs to have a good economic foundation.

"During the week of work in my constituency I met with representatives of different amalgamated hromadas, and the position of the AH heads is clear: decentralisation process should be completed to start working in a new way – with direct budgetary relations between the AH and the Cabinet of Ministers," the MP said.

The amalgamation process began in 2015. Although a clear methodology for the formation of amalgamated hromadas was developed, at first it was not fully adhered to. Many AHs did not have a certain amount of residents or factors to fill their budget. At present, some formed AHs are not economically capable even in order to maintain their apparatus and continue development.

“PIT is the main source of the hromada budget, in case there are enterprises on the AH territory that pay PIT and the excise tax to its budget. Of course, in the beginning, to encourage decentralisation, the state allocated a lot of extra money for AHs. Now, assistance provided to hromadas is diminishing,states Vyacheslav Rublyov. The Verkhovna Rada is currently raising the issue of excise tax collection to the state budget. Many hromadas oppose this, but we are forced to do so, since AHs are in unequal conditions – farmers from AHs with no petrol stations are still buying petrol in the nearby hromada. Therefore, I think the right step is that the excise tax is paid to the road fund and the funds are allocated proportionally to each AHs.

That is why, the MP says, the issue on consolidation of such AHs is now arising. Therefore, he proposes to create a working group in the Verkhovna Rada, composed of MPs elected by the first-past-the-post system, because it is they who know the problems of their constituencies and have the opportunity to communicate directly with the AH heads.

03.10.2019 - 10:43 | Views: 8103



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