“Hromada of Dream”: film festival about AH’s achievements took place in Rivne Oblast

The “Hromada of Dream” Documentary Film Festival dedicated to the achievements of AHs took place in the Rivne Oblast, told Oleksandr Hladunov, festival's jury head, to the correspondent of the Ukrinform at the event organised by the Rivne Local Government Development Centre of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

"In total, 63 short films were submitted by 10 AHs and two TV channels on socio-economic development of hromadas, keeping cultural traditions, history of settlements,” Hladunov said.

According to him, seven best short films were selected, which demonstrated the ability of the authors to show the most significant transformations in villages, which became possible after AHs' establishment.

The movie about the Pryvilnenska AH, produced with the help of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme was recognised among the best ones. The story is about building relationships with a large agro-industrial holding that cultivates grain in AH and other places, and makes a major contribution to the hromada budget, used by the AH to successfully develop its social sector.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

01.10.2019 - 16:06 | Views: 8516

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