ATTENTION! Receipt of applications for participation in the Best Practices of Local Self-Government Competition-2019 to be completed in three days

Applications for participation in the Best Practices of Local Self-Government competition-2019 for local governments of all levels are still being accepted.

Topics of the Competition this year:

  1. Local self-government measures and decisions aimed at increasing local budget revenues.
  2. Development based on characteristics of regions and hromadas.
  3. Practices for involving young people in local economic development.

The winners of the Competition are determined separately for each of the three topics in such nominations:

  • oblast and rayon councils;
  • city councils;
  • village and settlement councils;
  • village, settlement, city councils of amalgamated hromadas.

In order to participate in the competition, one must complete an application (download text file) and send it by 4 October 2019 by e-mail to

Read more about the 2019 Competition in the booklet.

Additional information on all competition issues is available by phone: 044 590 47 76 and 044 303 99 16 (internal – 114; 156)

The competition is organised by the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories in cooperation with the Council of Europe Programme “Decentralisation and Local Government Reform in Ukraine” and in partnership with the Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils, Association of Ukrainian Cities, All-Ukrainian Association of Rural and Settlement Councils and Association of Amalgamated Hromadas.

Background: The holding of such competitions is a pan-European initiative, supported by Ukraine as a member state of the Council of Europe since 2012. During 2012-2013, the Best Practices of Local Self-Government Competition was implemented by the Council of Europe’s Centre of Expertise for Local Government Reform, and since 2014 MinRegion has been the organiser of this competition.

01.10.2019 - 13:28 | Views: 6538

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