On 25 September, in Zatoka during the meeting-seminar on “Topical issues of reforming the rayon level”, Serhiy Chernov, President of the Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils (UAROR), head of the Kharkiv Oblast Council, stressed that the main problem of the current stage of administrative and territorial reform is the uncertainty of powers to be exercised by local self-government authorities at subregional level.
Seminar participants considered proposals for the powers of rayon (enlarged) councils and their executive committees.
Thus, the powers of rayons, in particular, include:
Heads of rayon councils agreed with these proposed powers to be assigned to the consolidated rayons. During the discussion, they also expressed dissatisfaction with communication and lack of understanding on the part of the newly formed AHs that do not contribute to resource support of communal property and infrastructure common to the whole rayon.
Therefore, in the opinion of the rayon council heads, the state should clearly formulate powers for the rayon level, which will help to avoid conflict situations on the ground and promote balanced development of territories.
For their part, the Association's president and vice-presidents will work with parliamentary committees and ministries to create platforms for clear communication with the state's leadership so that the voices of rayons and oblasts can be heard in the capital.
“There are powers that the basic level represented by AHs is not able to fulfill effectively. And today's conversation proved it again. Having formed a solid basic level, the state should also take care of the functionality of the subregional link. Since it concerns the quality of services in rural areas and convenience for people,” said Serhiy Chernov.
Attached images:
rayon Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils
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