Police station opened in Ust-Putylska AH

A police station was opened in the Ust-Putylska AH. It will serve six villages of the amalgamated hromada – Ust-Putyla, Biskiv, Shpetky, Marynychi, Byskiv, Petrashi and two more, that are not yet included in any AH.




A police officer of the hromada now has a separate reception area, located in the Ust-Putyla culture centre on the ground floor. The hromada has repaired the room and provided barrier-free access. The courtyard will gradually be improved as well, as the library, recently opened music school and part of the council administration are placed in the cultural centre.




Viktor Lashchak, municipal service adviser of the Chernivtsi Local Government Development Centre of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, stressed on the comfort of service delivery, as the Ust-Putylska AH is among the winners of U-LEAD’s Roll-out Phase in improving the quality of administrative service delivery. "I hope this year is not the last opening in your hromada and within two months we will cut the ribbon at the entrance to the Ust-Putyla ASC," Viktor Lashchak emphasised. The ASC will be located in the premises of the village council adjacent to the cultural centre. The repair works are already being completed here.



The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


safety police


Чернівецька область


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