Velykolyubynska AH to have its modern cultural centre

Reconstruction of the old building of the Hromada House has already begun. The total budget of the project is over UAH 18 million, of which 8 million 400 thousand will be received from the Sectoral Policy Support Programme of the state budget, more than 127 thousand have been allocated from the budget of the Velykolyubynska AH and UAH 1 million 700 thousand will be transferred to the account of the settlement council as subvention funds for local rural development, which are planned to be mastered by the end of 2019.

At this expense, they will renovate the Cultural Centre building, nine rooms, equip the attic floor with two separate rooms, and equip seven studios.

Yosyf Fabryga, head of the Velykolyubynska AH, says that due to the new Cultural Centre, the hromada will be able to provide quality conditions for comfortable stay, education and leisure of residents of the whole AH:

“Within the project we will buy new equipment, upgrade and increase the professional level of staff, organise additional training areas. In particular, we will have vocal, music, choreographic, theatrical studios, fine arts and cinema studios, as well as online cafes.”

The Centre will be attended by nearly 10,000 hromada residents.



The Centre building itself has the technical capacity to host exhibitions, seminars, conferences and organise other events.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


culture Kultura krashchi praktyky


Львівська область


Великолюбінська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада


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