Kanivska hromada plans to abandon plastic

Kaniv City Council decided to supplement the Kaniv City Environmental Programme with a new paragraph to refuse from disposable plastic.

"We plan to gradually abandon the use of disposable plastic consumption by 2021,” said hromada head Ihor Renkas. “We have been developing methods of cooperation with the business community and residents in matters of gradual refusal from the use of disposable plastic goods. We also work to create a system for collecting plastic and solid waste and ensure conditions for sorting and processing. Ready-made action is to be put to the vote of the City Council in the 4th quarter of this year. We also intend to initiate amendments to the Oblast Environmental Protection Programme to gradually abandon the use of disposable plastic consumption throughout the Cherkasy Oblast by 2021.”

“Collection and removal of waste is well organised already in ten Cherkasy Oblast hromadas. In addition, they arrange separate collection of garbage. The Kanivska hromada was the first to decide to actually reduce its amount,” said Oksana Savitska, adviser of the Cherkasy Local Government Development Centre of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

18.09.2019 - 13:01 | Views: 6990
Kanivska hromada plans to abandon plastic




Черкаська область


Канівська територіальна громада


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