Intermunicipal cooperation and social services in Shlyakhivska AH

The Shlyahivska AH of the Vinnytsia Oblast strikes with social orientation of development, as evidenced not only by social services, proper landscaping, but also the principles of the village council. The hromada successfully used the mechanisms of intermunicipal cooperation in the field of social services.

"Shliakhova provided social services for lonely disabled people, but when we made calculations on maintenance of the management together with the Dzhulynska AH, which also provides such services, it appeared that it would be better to create a facility for two AHs, that would operate within the IMC. Today we successfully use a common centre,” said Nina Kravets, head of the Shlyakhivska AH.

The hromada has no ASC, but a number of administrative services on pensions, social security etc. are provided directly by the Shlyakhova village council, the residents receive state registrar services in the Dzhulynska AH, located 10 km away. This is another example of successful cooperation for the sake of service quality.

Nina Kravets ponders over the future capability and has an optimistic outlook on the hromada.

The AH is currently concerned about sorting waste, they have already begun to implement this initiative and established sites with appropriate containers. So there are information campaign and possibly another step towards the IMC of the Shlyakhivska AH ahead, this time in landscaping and utilities.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

17.09.2019 - 10:17 | Views: 9100

Attached images:




Вінницька область


Шляхівська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада


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