Voluntary fire protection unit set up in Guliaypilska AH

The Association of Voluntary Fire Brigades of the Republic of Poland, within the framework of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and with support of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, is launching the initiative "Improvement of the Civil Protection System in the Amalgamated Hromadas of Ukraine". The initiative aims to support amalgamated hromadas in the process of developing crisis management at the local level and creating plans for civil protection activities - with the particular emphasis on the establishment of voluntary fire brigades to complement professional fire departments. 5 AHs from the Zaporizhzhia Oblast, including the Guliaypilska AH, are involved in the project.

On 11 September, a voluntary fire department was opened in the village of Novomykolayivka.

"Taking into consideration the fact that the Temyrivka, Novomykolayivka and Uspenivka starosta districts are the farthest from the city of Guliaypole, creation of a voluntary fire brigade in the village of Novomykolayivka will help in time to respond to an emergency when every minute can be decisive," said Oleksiy Yarmak, head of the Guliaypilska AH.

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safety fire safety


Запорізька область


Гуляйпільська міська об’єднана територіальна громада


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