New ASC opened in Velyki Kopani

On 11 September, the Administrative Service Centre was opened in the Velykokopanivska AH of the Kherson Oblast with a centre in Velyki Kopani village. The ASC will provide more than 100 administrative services to seven thousand hromada residents in comfortable conditions. Previously, the nearest Administrative Service Centre was located 30 kilometres away from the hromada centre.

The ASC in Velyki Kopani was established with the support of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine. The Centre was established at the expense of a subvention amounting to UAH 1 million 600 thousand allocated from the state budget under the Transparent Office project and co-financing from the local budget in the amount of UAH 300 thousand.

At the same time, following the results of Round 3 of the selection, the Velykokopanivska AH became a participant of the Roll-Out Phase of ASC establishment of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme. The Programme experts will provide institutional support to the Centre and start staff training. The Programme will also provide installation of a state-of-the-art software system “Vulyk” for ASC’s work automation, developed by the EGOV4UKRAINE project, and will fully equip one remote workplace in one of the hromada villages.

Valentyna Kostenko, head of theVelykokopanivska AH, said: “Thanks to the joint efforts of the hromada, the Ministry of Social Policy, international experts and partners of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, we now have a modern and accessible administrative service centre that will become a hromada development space. We are grateful to all our partners for such assistance and look forward to future cooperation.”

We remind that within the Roll-Out Phase of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme’s support to improved administrative service delivery, up to 600 ASC are to be established and modernised in the hromadas of Ukraine by the end of 2020.

Attached images:


Administrative services


Херсонська область


Великокопанівська територіальна громада


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