Government appointed Vyacheslav Nehoda as Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories

Vyacheslav Neguda has been appointed Deputy Minister of Development of Communites and Territories. The Government has adopted the relevant resolution today, 11 September.

Earlier, Minister Alyona Babak told journalists that given the importance of local self-government reform, decentralisation of powers, the scope of its tasks and pace of implementation, Vyacheslav Nehoda will concentrate on the implementation of this fundamental reform.

It should be mentioned that Vyacheslav Nehoda has considerable experience in this field. He once worked as mayor, was among the initiators of the Association of Ukrainian Cities. With his participation, the legislative framework for local self-government reform and decentralisation was prepared. We recall that these are fundamental reforms for the country, the quality of which affects the efficiency of sectoral reforms. In course of 5 years decentralisation has proved effective and has become one of the most successful among other reforms in Ukraine, which has been repeatedly noted by the international community as well.

The decentralisation agenda has a task of the reform completion. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy instructed the Government and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to complete the reform of local self-government and territorial organisation of power.

11.09.2019 - 15:57 | Views: 14810
Government appointed Vyacheslav Nehoda as Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories




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