ZHDANSPACE Youth Centre started working in Zhdanivska AH

In addition to a number of implemented infrastructure projects, the Zhdanivska rural amalgamated hromada has undertaken youth leisure activities, as informed by hromada representatives at the meeting with the participation of the Vinnytsia Local Government Development Centre of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

ZHDANSPACE – a youth centre recently established on the AH territory – is the result of the joint work of village councils, hromada residents and business. The centre is located in the premises of the Zhdanivka Public Library and aims at creating a modern space for leisure and development of young people, generation, exchange implementation of ideas.

A team of 13 pupils from Zhdanivka took part in a training session in Poltava, where they wrote a project and won UAH 35,000 to implement the idea of ​​establishing a creative space in Zhdanivka. ZHDANSPACE was co-equipped by entrepreneurs, local self-government and hromada school pupils. In total, UAH 100 thousand were allocated for the repair of premises, furniture, appliances and equipment.

Youth and social projects are among the priorities of local business. With the sponsorship and in cooperation with the village council, the Zhdanivska AH implements initiatives in the area of ​​inclusion, computer literacy and robotics, young residents of the hromada are actively participating in competitions and educational events at the regional and national level.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

10.09.2019 - 10:03 | Views: 15419

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Вінницька область


Війтівецька територіальна громада


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