How to create a cozy and safe hromada: experience of Trostyanetska AH

The heroes of the next Side by Side story – winners of the Best Practices competition-2018 – live in Trostyanets, Sumy Oblast, 30 km from the Ukrainian-Russian border. It is clear, therefore, that safety concerns are relevant for them. To protect their own citizens from unpredictable neighbours, the city created its Public Safety Centre “SICH”. Little Trostyanets, thanks to the efforts of the authorities and the hromada, has turned into a true tourist Mecca and gathers thousands of tourists to all its festivals. Therefore, the municipal SICH, together with law enforcement agencies, closely guard the peace of guests and local citizens. Due to the Centre's activities, the number of thefts in multi-storey buildings has decreased by 35% and petty hooliganism by 20%. 

If you want to see with your own eyes amazing changes that have come about through decentralisation, if your hromada decided to try its hand at the next Best Local Self-Government Practices competition-2019, then keep an eye on new issues of “Side by Side” in the air of Suspilne Television, Public Television, News Channel 24, as well as on Facebook page of the Council of Europe Programme “Decentralisation and Local Self-Government Reform in Ukraine”.

More information on Best Local Self-Government Practices Competition-2019 is available here. Applications will be accepted until 4 October.


safety practice safety Best practices


Сумська область


Тростянецька територіальна громада


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