Becoming a model hromada online: tips, examples, action plan

瀼猠祴敬∽潢⵸楳楺杮›潢摲牥戭硯※慭杲湩›瀰⁸瀰⁸〱硰※潦瑮昭浡汩㩹☠畱瑯伻数慓獮焦潵㭴‬慳獮猭牥晩※整瑸愭楬湧›散瑮牥※潣潬㩲爠执㔨ⰱ㔠ⰱ㔠⤱※潦瑮猭穩㩥ㄠ瀵㭸映湯⵴瑳汹㩥渠牯慭㭬映湯⵴慶楲湡⵴楬慧畴敲㩳渠牯慭㭬映湯⵴慶楲湡⵴慣獰›潮浲污※潦瑮眭楥桧㩴㐠〰※敬瑴牥猭慰楣杮›潮浲污※牯桰湡㩳㈠※整瑸椭摮湥㩴〠硰※整瑸琭慲獮潦浲›潮敮※桷瑩ⵥ灳捡㩥渠牯慭㭬眠摩睯㩳㈠※潷摲猭慰楣杮›瀰㭸ⴠ敷止瑩琭硥⵴瑳潲敫眭摩桴›瀰㭸戠捡杫潲湵ⵤ潣潬㩲爠执㈨㔵‬㔲ⰵ㈠㔵㬩琠硥⵴敤潣慲楴湯猭祴敬›湩瑩慩㭬琠硥⵴敤潣慲楴湯挭汯牯›湩瑩慩㭬㸢椼杭愠瑬∽•牳㵣栢瑴獰⼺猯潴慲敧搮捥湥牴污穩瑡潩⹮潧⹶慵甯汰慯獤振敫楤潴⽲楰瑣牵獥㐯〰⼷潣瑮湥彴潤癳瑩浟楡⹮灪≧琠瑩敬∽•瑳汹㵥戢硯猭穩湩㩧戠牯敤⵲潢㭸戠牯敤㩲〠硰※敶瑲捩污愭楬湧›業摤敬※潦瑮昭浡汩㩹☠畱瑯伻数慓獮焦潵㭴‬慳獮猭牥晩※慭⵸楷瑤㩨ㄠ〰㬥㸢⼼㹰瀼猠祴敬∽潢⵸楳楺杮›潢摲牥戭硯※慭杲湩›瀰⁸瀰⁸〱硰※潦瑮昭浡汩㩹☠畱瑯伻数慓獮焦潵㭴‬慳獮猭牥晩※整瑸愭楬湧›番瑳晩㭹挠汯牯›杲⡢ㄵ‬ㄵ‬ㄵ㬩映湯⵴楳敺›㔱硰※潦瑮猭祴敬›潮浲污※潦瑮瘭牡慩瑮氭杩瑡牵獥›潮浲污※潦瑮瘭牡慩瑮挭灡㩳渠牯慭㭬映湯⵴敷杩瑨›〴㬰氠瑥整⵲灳捡湩㩧渠牯慭㭬漠灲慨獮›㬲琠硥⵴湩敤瑮›瀰㭸琠硥⵴牴湡晳牯㩭渠湯㭥眠楨整猭慰散›潮浲污※楷潤獷›㬲眠牯ⵤ灳捡湩㩧〠硰※眭扥楫⵴整瑸猭牴歯ⵥ楷瑤㩨〠硰※慢正牧畯摮挭汯牯›杲⡢㔲ⰵ㈠㔵‬㔲⤵※整瑸搭捥牯瑡潩⵮瑳汹㩥椠楮楴污※整瑸搭捥牯瑡潩⵮潣潬㩲椠楮楴污∻숾㲠瀯>s no oThe simple truth is that if you're not on the Internet, you are out. For many hromadas, developing their own official websites has become the norm, and some are just making their first steps.



To make it easier for hromadas to enter online world, SocialBoost has launched the Digital Hromadas section within the frames of the DOBRE Programme. It provides practical tips, case studies, and recommendation on how to tailor your site to the needs of your AH. So, here's a step-by-step plan for developing an official website. Use it, disseminate to stakeholders and leadership, achieve goals together.

So where to start from?

1. Realise that there is no other way than online. Think of the website as an integral part of an AH development, your business card to your partners – and act accordingly.



2. Understand that a website is more than a collection of pages with contacts and data. The official resource of your hromada is a platform for reaching out to all target audiences, from investors to tourists and residents.

3. Define AH priorities and stream them through the website. Study the tips and take advantage of digital growth.


What should you do already now?



  • Get inspired by examples of the websites created by hromadas on the Dosvit platform:

Create, experiment and remember that all your high digital goals are attainable.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


DOBRE Dosvit elektronne vriaduvannia


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