Announcement! Modern ASCs to be opened in Mamayivska and Popilnyanska hromadas

The Mamayivska and Popilnyanska hromadas will open Administrative Services Centres established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

On 16 August at 11:00, the Mamayivska amalgamated hromada of the Chernivtsi Oblast will hold a solemn opening of its Administrative Service Centre. The hromada with a population of 10,3 thousand residents has successfully cooperated with the Programme in the institutional establishment of the ASC. U-LEAD fully equipped 9 workplaces in the ASC, and the hromada renovated the premises and purchased two passport issuing stations. The ASC opening ceremony will take place at 37, Tsentralna Str., Luzhany village, Chernivtsi Oblast.

On 19 August at 12:00, the Administrative Services Centre will open in the Popilnyanska amalgamated hromada of the Zhytomyr Oblast. The ASC will provide 150 types of services to over 16,5 thousand residents. The hromada renovated the ASC premises on its own, according to the design developed by the U-LEAD with Europe experts. The opening ceremony will be held at 7, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi Str., Popilnya village, Zhytomyr Oblast.

The ASC in the Mamayivska and Popilnyanska AHs will provide access to high-quality administrative services to more than 36,000 hromada residents.

For accreditation, please, send your name, position, publication title, and contacts to the email address: by 19:00 on 15 August.

For any details please contact: Ivan Lukash, +380673883457,

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