Digital Hromadas. Why is website a key indicator of AH priorities?

Research shows that sometimes visiting a hromada website can leave the user uncertain.

There are, unfortunately, not many examples where the hromada website is an exact reflection of its strategy and priorities. This article will tell you how, with minimal effort and minor spending, to focus attention on your website on information that is relevant to your hromada.

Earlier in the Digital Hromadas section, SocialBoost reminded that a website is more than just a set of pages. It is a bridge to connect the AH with partners, tourists and investors. There are three priority areas for hromadas' development:

  • Attraction of an investor.
  • Promoting citizen’s participation in decision-making.
  • Support for transparency and accountability of AH.

Naturally, the AH priorities are aligned with the strategy and change over time. Some hromadas rely on investor involvement (often not only from Ukraine but also from abroad). For other AHs, it is important to maximise the citizens’ engagement in democratic processes. How to tailor your website to your hromada’s needs? Follow the simple steps below:

1. Organise the website homepage properly

Your AH website has only three seconds to attract user’s attention. 

2. Connect the necessary applications

Hromada’s website has every chance of becoming either a local investment portal, a participatory platform, or a tool for demonstrating transparency in AH. It all depends on what accents you put while filling the website.

For stated purposes, the Dosvit platform offers a set of applications in key areas. 

3. Make the structure clear

Applications love order.

4. Create accents on the website

Think about how to focus on hromada’s priorities in news, event reviews.

See the Digital Hromadas section for a list of recommendations for AH sustainable development online in the digital space. Learn how to develop an AH website in a flexible way, encourage investor’s interest, and engage residents in democratic hromada development. The Digital Hromadas section was developed by the SocialBoost team within the framework of the DOBRE Programme.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


DOBRE Dosvit elektronne vriaduvannia


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