Tavriyska AH: active youth, programmes for pupils and voluntary patrols

"Decentralisation has made it possible for hromadas to see resources, and teaches to manage them," says Mykola Svyrydenko, head of the Tavriyska AH, who has set himself the goal of proving that even a small AH can develop."

Mykola Svyrydenko, head of the Tavriyska AH

Having amalgamated in 2016, only three villages (two village councils) with a total population of less than 4.5 thousand people began to revive the culture, properly arrange the education system and even create new parks. There are also some unique achievements in the hromada.

August is the time for repair work. Schools, sports complex are full of building materials. And a local vocal and instrumental ensemble is rehearsing in the House of Culture. They say much time has passed since they played together, but managed to renew performances only a couple of years ago, when the hromada purchased the instruments and necessary equipment. Now they play at local events, visit neighbouring hromadas at invitation, and teach music to young people.

Rehearsal of a local vocal and instrumental ensemble

After the AH formation, the House of Culture started living a new life. Here children and adults are engaged in fitness activities and dancing – for this purpose, the hall was specifically equipped.


Old buildings become modern


The Tavriyska AH has one hub institution and two branches of І-ІІ degrees. Equipped classes of the New Ukrainian School are preparing to welcome 57 first-graders this year.

"This is Valera, named by children themsellves," explains Kateryna Dondyk, deputy director of the “Perspective” hub school, pointing at a skeleton. "There are also a collapsible human mock-up for the biology room, mock-ups of an ear, heart, brain, microscopes and many other appliances for physics and chemistry rooms."


Kateryna Dondyk, deputy director of the hub school

"We purchased it all in 2018, before that we used what was left since 1957," says school director Inna Kasyan.

Education is being developed with funds allocated to a hub institution, plus co-financing from the local budget, educational subvention. And old buildings are being transformed into modern premises.

Valera skeleton and new equipment for the chemistry room

There was no canteen at school premises before. Now the school has a food block with modern equipment and new furniture. A communal enterprise was set up to cook lunches for schoolchildren.

The hromada creates conditions for children to encourage them to learn. In addition, they have developed a separate incentive programme. According to it, once a year there is a competition among pupils from all AH schools. The smartest receive a "prize" of UAH 150, 400 and 1500. The hromada plans to reward children for their activeness and sports achievements.

Elementary classes meet the standards of the New Ukrainian School

And on vacations the children rest in school camps: in course of two weeks on a daily basis they go for excursions all over the Zaporizhzia Oblast. Parents pay only for entrance tickets, all the other expenses are covered by the local budget.


Active youth


Another advantage of the Tavriyska AH is its active youth. So far, the informally united youth council not only engages in projects, but also initiates its own ones. They conduct activities on non-formal education.

Another initiative already launched and presented on Europe Day is the creation of a family park on the place previously covered with shrubs and dead wood.

Meeting of the hromada youth

According to Mykola Svyrydenko, head of the Tavriyska AH, this park will be the most youth-oriented one – the youth will arrange it as they wish. It is the responsibility of the authorities to register the land under the park site to attract the necessary funding.

As for the cleaning of other territories, there is a utility company operating in the AH, and the unemployed, registered with the Employment Service, are involved in community works. The hromada pays 50% of the cost of services.

And the preservation of forest land strips and fish in the river is monitored by officially registered voluntary patrol team. 10-11 men keep order on a volunteer basis. They also work at mass events. The hromada purchased the uniform, flashlights and equipment they needed.


Budget filling


To maintain everything the AH needs the money. Therefore, the hromada leadership works with small and medium-sized business, registered outside the AH, but located on its territory. Most of them, according to the hromada head, agree to help develop villages.

The hromada also closely monitors the payment of land taxes.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Запорізька область


Таврійська територіальна громада


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