Contest for AHs willing to improve delivery of social services

The NGO Stabilization Support Services acting with the support of the Embassy of the UK to Ukraine announces a contest for amalgamated hromadas (AHs) willing to participate in the national project “Development of Social Cohesion in Ukraine through Improvement of Social Protection at Regional and Local Level for Internally Displaced Persons, Veterans and Other Persons Affected by the Conflict”.

The project is implemented in line with the decentralisation and public administration reforms presently running in Ukraine. At the local level, the project is striving to contribute to the capacity development of AHs in protecting citizens affected by the conflict (including internally displaced persons, IDPs) and to establishing inclusive, transparent and accountable management processes.

Goal of the project: ensure sustainable and long-term protection for the population affected by the conflict, which includes unlimited and non-discriminating access to high-quality social services, implementation of civil rights and freedoms as well as integration of IDPs.

Project objectives:

  • support in the implementation of the integrated model for social protection at the level of AHs;

  • build-up of a system for the delivery of social and administrative services in AHs;

  • capacity development for AH employees concerning the application of gender- and conflict-sensitive approaches in their work planning;

  • build-up of effective communication between AH bodies and central government bodies.

If you want to participate in the contest, the application form (download here) must be filled in in Ukrainian according to the requirements of the contest and sent (with attachments) to until 11 August 2019, 23:00.

All inquiries on the contest are accepted at e-mail: or tel. +38 (063) 765-03-78. The contact person is Oleksandr Hlahola.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE



competition social services


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