Contest “Youth Capital of Ukraine - 2020”: selection of regional coordinators underway

The Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine invites representatives of youth civil organisations and young citizens from all regions of Ukraine to join the team of the national contest “Youth Capital of Ukraine” and to apply for the position of the regional coordinator.

In the course of preparation of applications from cities for participation in the contest and for the information campaign at the regional and local level, two representatives for each oblast of Ukraine shall be selected.

The key task of the regional coordinators will be to conduct press conferences and information events involving representatives of local self-government bodies and youth civil organisations as well as active young citizens in cities aimed to promote the contest in all regions of Ukraine.

To be able to conduct a high-quality information campaign, the regional coordinators will receive information and visual presentation materials for distribution.

The application form for future contest coordinators in the oblasts is available here:

The last day for the submission of applications is 15 August (inclusive).

Information about the results of the selection process will be announced by 18 August.

A one-day information meeting for all regional coordinators will take place in Kyiv in the end of August.

For information

The “Youth Capital of Ukraine” contest has been initiated by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, the National Youth Council of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Youth Policy Institute.

The key goal of the contest is to activate cooperation between young citizens and local self-government bodies as well as to foster favourable conditions for youth development in Ukrainian cities.

More information about the contest is available here:

25.07.2019 - 12:11 | Views: 9287
Contest “Youth Capital of Ukraine - 2020”: selection of regional coordinators underway


competition youth


Міністерство молоді та спорту України

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