Land auctions. Is size important?

Author: Oleksandr Hnitetskyi,

expert in spatial planning of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme

2019 can be called the year of land auctions for the amalgamated hromadas. They were conducted earlier, but after the transfer of land beyond the boundaries of settlements to hromadas in 2018, the number of auctions increased significantly. During 2015, 1494 lots were auctioned, in 2018 - 3022. And today we can say that 2019 will significantly exceed 2018 figures. This is an explanation: almost all agricultural lands in Ukraine are being used, but rent sums are officially paid not for all of them. To transfer communal agricultural lands to the lease is possible only after an auction, and since the solution now depends only on the hromada, it also benefits from it. So, this process has accelerated significantly.

The experience of four auctions in the amalgamated hromadas of the Zhytomyr Oblast shows that the size of the land plot affects the sum of the annual rent. How exactly? In the graphs indicated for the Vysokivska and Novoborivska AHs, there is a noticeable relationship between the size of the land plot and the sum of renting one hectare. For the Potiyivska and Pulynska AHs due to the small number of lots - the graphs were not efficient.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

Колонка відображає винятково позицію її автора. За достовірність інформації відповідає автор колонки. Точка зору редакції порталу «Децентралізація» може не збігатися з точкою зору автора колонки.
25.07.2019 - 11:41 | Views: 18126
Олександр Гнітецький

Author: Олександр Гнітецький


land Oleksandr Hnitetskyi


Житомирська область


Новоборівська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Новоборівська територіальна громада

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