Barska AH developing event tourism

The Barska AH has opted for event tourism as one of its strategic development priorities. One of the core events in this context is the “BarRockKo” music festival.

The head of the Barska AH Arthur Tsytsyursky made this statement during the press tour organised by the Vinnytsia Local Government Development Centre of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.


«BarRockKo Festival was first held in 2007, but then it stopped its existence. We revived the festival in 2015 on the initiative of youth NGOs. Our cooperation gave that synergy, which combined the interests of the city development and provided the interesting leisure for the youth", said the head of the AH.


"This year, the city council allocated UAH 50,000 to hold a festival, another sum of UAH 38,000 was collected together, besides we also attracted sponsors. In general, we hold this festival for the fourth time, and it is the third time after the revival. Our festival lasts for two days now”, noted Inna Tkachuk, co-organiser of the event, member of NGO “Active. Bar”.

“The symbol of this year's festival became an Italian princess and Polish queen Bona Sforza, as the year of 2019 was declared to be the year of the city’s founder. Therefore, in addition to the musical programme, the festival paid a lot of attention to local history in the form of thematic tours for tourists and historical entourage, which was provided by costume characters”, added Inna Tkachuk.


"We attracted our renovators – famous members of festivals - the family club "Svaroh" from the village of Harmaky located not far from Bar. They usually reproduce the clothes of the XII century and play music of those times with the help of the authentic folk instruments. Bona Sforza's women club joined us. They provided the festival’s guests with an opportunity to feel the contemporaries of the city’s founder by trying on the queens' garments. And they also treated guests with cabbage rolls made according to the recipe left by Bona Sforza.


This year, more than thousand guests attended the festival, and half of them came from other regions.


According to Inna Tkachuk, such festival helped to form a youth volunteer community in the city.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


23.07.2019 - 09:42 | Views: 8712
Barska AH developing event tourism


culture tourism Kultura krashchi praktyky


Вінницька область


Барська міська об’єднана територіальна громада Барська територіальна громада



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