How to effectively manage culture

With this question, employees of the Lopatynska and Medenytska settlement AHs, formed at the end of 2018, visited the Hnizdychivska hromada. The study tour focused on was the system of management of cultural institutions, which includes activities of folk houses and libraries.

The system of delegated powers management in rural and settlement AHs differs from the similar system in the rayon. With a relatively small number of institutions it is often illogical to create culture and education department.

The Hnizdychivska AH was one of the first in Lviv Oblast to manage cultural institutions by creating communal institutions in the form of cultural centres. Since 2017, the communal institution “Library – Information Centre for Intellectual and Creative Development of the Hnizdychiv Settlement Council” has been successfully functioning in the AH. It has three branch libraries in Hnizdychiv settlement, villages of Livchytsi and Ruda, two literature issue units – in Hnizdychiv and Hannivtsi village, and a municipal institution “Culture and Leisure Centre of the Hnizdychiv Settlement Council”.

As a result of the study visit to the Hnizdychivska AH, both hromadas – the Lopatynska and Medenytska AHs – chose similar models to manage their cultural institutions.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE




Львівська область


Гніздичівська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Лопатинська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Меденицька селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Лопатинська територіальна громада Меденицька територіальна громада


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